Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Son

I just wanted to take a minute to say how proud I am of Stephen. He just finished his first semester of college and came away with a 3.0 grade point average :-). He was SO close to having a 3.3 but fell short by 2/10 of a point. But I am very proud of him because he worked HARD for what he got and he did well enough for TOPS and to keep his truck insurance low. I knew he would put everything he has
into college because that's how he is with everything he does.

Another reason I'm proud of him is because he had to pay for his next semester and he wrote a check and paid it. I told him I felt bad and that I wanted to pay some of it and he said no because that's why he worked all summer...so he could pay it. He has no idea what it means to us that he does that. He said paying his own way makes him want to try harder so all that work he did on the pipeline won't be for nothing.

Tomorrow he's having surgery to have his tonsils taken out. He's needed this done for a long time, for most of his life. It was postponed over and over for one reason or another, usually because of baseball or football and then again last summer because he was ready to go off to work. But, it's gotten so bad that it just can't be put off anymore. He's got the worse tonsils I've ever seen and has even had a doctor and several nurses say the same. So, we have to be at the hospital at 8:30 in the morning and his surgery is 10:00 or so. My sister, Lori, is going with us. We thought Jose' wasn't going to be able to go but he is but she still wants to go. Lori sees everything as an outing LOL. I'm happy she's going with us :-).

When I look at Stephen I know I am a good Mother because if I weren't how could I have a son who is so mature and so responsible for his age. He will go far and he will be successful, there is no doubt about that!


Lori said...

I know how proud you are to have Stephen for your son, because I am just as proud to have him for a nephew. He is a very special young man. And in spite of the reason we were together all day today, we did have fun and lots of laughs...and you need to post his NEW grades.....
Proud Aunt Lori

Tammy said...

Sending lots of good thoughts for you all today! Stephen is a wonderful young man...and you are a great mother!