Thursday, March 5, 2009


Stephen's surgery went fine and he's recovering so much better than I thought he would. I expected him to be in a lot of pain yesterday right after the surgery and he just wasn't. He was talking and drinking plenty. He was still a little loopy from the drugs, though, so probably wasn't feeling much. He did get very sick the first couple of times he tried to get up but that's normal. We got home last night around 6:30. On the way home we stopped and I went in Walmart to get him the new PS3 baseball game so that's been keeping him very occupied. This morning he ate scrambled eggs and had pancakes for lunch. I don't think he'll be losing any weight.

As for his grades, he heard from one of his teachers yesterday and his very high C is now a B thanks to some extra credit Stephen did that the teacher had not given him credit for. So, now he has a 3.3 grade point average :-)...even better!!

I have another sore throat, mostly just burning every time I swallow. I felt bad yesterday while at the hospital with Stephen so I called my doctor and his nurse told him and he called me in an antibiotic. I started taking that last night so maybe I'll be feeling better soon. I can't be sick while trying to take care of everybody else. Kinley is also coughing and throat scratchy. I'm just ready for the weekend so we can all hopefully do nothing and get well.


Sherri said...

Yippee on the B...that is SO great!
I hope you all get to lie around and rest all weekend. I'm glad you are feeling a little better!

Kelly said...

So glad his surgery went well! Hope you are feeling better too.

Danielle said...

I know how hard it is to take care of everyone when you are not feeling well! It's like, wait a minute, I don't have time for this!! Just be sure to take care of yourself! Glad the surgery went well and you got him a prize! Congrats on his grades! Thanks for all the comments and your blog looks great!Very cute!