Saturday, February 28, 2009

As Promised

We walked back down to the horses yesterday and this time I remembered my camera.

On the way home it started sprinkling hard on us and we had to run home. I do not like to run!! By the time we got back to our patio Kinley and I were gasping for breath and could barely talk and Landon was still going strong. He wasn't even breathing hard. It was very warm and Kinley asked if they could play in the water...why not :-). I can't believe it was that warm yesterday and today it's in the 40's.

Here's Landon playing with Spade, a neighbor's dog who decided to spend the day with us :-)...and the night. He slept at our back door. The kids were disappointed to see that he was gone this morning. I really do need to get them a dog!!


Sherri said...

I love the pictures. My kids would love that, especially Carter. Carter and Landon would hurt themselves on those haybales and beams..haha!

Danielle said...

Great pictures Vicki! The one with Landon sitting on the dog is so cute!