Sunday, October 26, 2008

A near perfect weekend :-)

Saturday Jose' only had to work until noon. We've not had too many weekends together lately so it was really nice having him home for most of the day. He cooked on the grill...ribs, sausage, boudan (sp?), mushrooms, pork chops and made shrimp dip. Sherri came for the day and night without her kids. So, while Jose' watched the LSU game she and I played cards and ate and ate some more. The kids were playing outside so noone was asking anything of us. Jose's sister, Lena, and her daughter came over for a while too and Kinley enjoyed playing with Grayson. The weather was perfect...just beautiful.

Today, Sunday, we made it to church. It's been a few weeks since we went for one reason or another. After church we went to the in-law's house for a very big get together for Verna (my MIL's) birthday. I didn't realize there were going to be that many people there. It was all Jose's sisters and their families, our family, Kaylyn's boyfriend, SIL's boyfriend, an aunt and her daughter and three kids and another aunt. The only immediate family missing was Stephen, Sil's baby Holden and one BIL. I took the opportunity to take a lot of pictures for MIL's calendar for Christmas. Here are some of them...

Landon with his grandmother.
Me with my inlaws, Rene and Verna.

Kaylyn and Zach...they are so CUTE together :-).
So, the weekend is over and I'm ready for tomorrow. It was a very good weekend with a lot of good family time.

1 comment:

Sherri said...

Wow....look at your cool background!!!