Friday, October 17, 2008

My Cheerleaders

It's been fun this school year having two cheerleaders in the family. It's been a big adjustment with Stephen being gone and not having anyone playing football, but we've still been just as busy going to the Varsity and peewee games. Cheerleading is something, really the only thing, Kaylyn and Kinley have in common. So, here are some pictures we've taken this year :-).
This was from the cheerleading camp the Varsity cheerleaders did for the peewee cheerleaders this past summer. Kinley is on the right in purple and Kaylyn in the very middle sitting down.
I had more pictures I wanted to share but either I don't know what I'm doing or this site doesn't like me because I can't get them to show up.

1 comment:

It's Always Something Around Here said...

Your girls are just beautiful Vicki!! I love your blog and thanks for visiting mine.

Lou Ann