Friday, February 13, 2009

Back in School

After a two week break, Landon is back in school. His teacher called me last Friday and asked if I was bringing Landon back. I told her I just didn't know what to do and I felt torn. I felt like he was doing great with his school work but was feeling guilty about taking him from his friends and the only real social interaction he was getting. He needs that, especially since social issues are a big part of Asperger's. He has made friends with his classmates and they like him and missed him. I want him to stay with these kids all the way through school. I was seeing him regress after only two weeks of being home with me. When we would go to the school he would cling to my leg and not want to talk to anyone, even his friends. I don't want that. I felt like all the progress he had made socially was slipping away.

His teacher told me she missed him and that his classmates asked about him every day...that they were worried about him. She asked if I would just come in on Monday and talk to her and the principle about some alternatives and some changes that would be good for him. So, that's what we did. It was hard to get Landon to go in the classroom to play while I talked but he finally did. What we worked out is that he will go in at regular time because they actually get good work out of him for about the first 45 minutes of the morning. Around 9:00 the aide takes him down to the computer room and lets him do some learning games on the computer and unwind. He's doing well with that. After the morning recess his teacher does 30 minutes one on one time with him while the aide tends to the rest of the class. After lunch and recess I pick him up, around 12:30. They said we can do half days until we feel that he can handle more.

The first day back I was worried because he woke up saying he just wanted to stay home with Mommy. I had trouble getting him up and around but once he was dressed it was like he was back in his routine and he was fine. He picked a toy to take with him and when we got to the school he got out, told me bye and he loved me and walked in with Kinley with no tears. His teacher said he did great, like he had never left. When I picked him up he seemed happy. When we were leaving he ran back and hugged his teacher and said "Bye Miss Cherie, I love you...thank you for teaching me". ***Big Sigh***

This is all new to me and I'm never sure I'm doing the right thing but I feel good about this and like I'm doing the right thing for him. This is also all new to our school but they are trying and that means a lot to me.

One day at a time with this child...we will get through this!!

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