Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I can't decide if I feel more sorry for the cats or the mouse LOL. This is how Grace and Sister spend a lot of their time now. It really drives the cats crazy when Sandy is running in her wheel. They don't seem to bother her at all.
Landon loves Sandy so much! Every day after school on the way home he starts asking me if he can hold Sandy and asks me until I let him. I have to keep a close eye on him to make sure he doesn't get too rough with her or love her to death. But, he's very sweet with her and Sandy never tries to run away.

He even has a little car for Sandy and she'll sit in that car for as long as he wants her to. Sometimes he puts her in it and lays on the floor beside her to watch t.v. It's really cute :-)


Sherri said...

I can't stop smiling over this post...the loving her to death..the car. I just loved this!!

Tammy said...

I'm not a fan of rodents..but that is just too cute! :o)

Mama Teaching 3 said...

LOL...that is so cute! That little mouse seems to be made for him. :)

Carey said...

I just found your blog! Those pics of the mouse in the car are sooo cute! I've been meaning to tell you how much Landon is growing! He is getting so tall!