Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

My Mother's Day started a few days early when Kaylyn came in one day with a dozen orange roses for me. It was a sweet surprise!! I don't normally like to get flowers but I really loved these and loved the color.
Then I got a nice surprise from my good friend Rhonda. She brought me a gift and said she just wanted me to know what a good Mother she thinks I sweet is that :-). She gave me a Paula Deen candle, Pear Crisp scented.
Saturday Stephen came home so I had my whole family home :-). Jose' cooked crawfish for us. When he was cooking the last batch it started getting very dark and the tornado siren in town went off. So, Jose' and Stephen moved everything under the patio and we kept cooking and eating. The bottom fell out!! It rained so hard and the wind was blowing hard. I'm so glad we have that covered patio. That night Kaylyn went to her best friend's house and Stephen went out so it was just Jose' and I and the two little ones here...again. We joke and say we only have two kids every weekend.

Sunday morning I slept until 9:00 and Jose' was up with the kids. I thought for sure he would go ahead and get the kids bathed for Church and maybe fed. But, when I got up they hadn't had baths yet and I knew we didn't have time to get ready so we didn't make it to Church. Jose' and the kids gave me my gifts. My big gift hadn't come in yet so he just gave me the blank DVDs to go with it. He got me a machine that converts VCR tapes to DVDs. I've wanted it for a while. I am so excited to get this because now I can turn all our old home movies into DVDs and we can watch them and easily store them. I can also take all their old movies and put them on DVD so they can watch them again. We don't even have a working VCR right now so haven't been able to watch any of them.

After Stephen woke up he surprised me with a gift. Him coming home was gift enough for me and I never expected him to give me anything else. He went out to his truck and brought in a bag from Bath and Body Works. He knows I love their lotions and got me three bottles. I have the sweetest kids!!
Kinley made me a card and Jose' gave me one.
The kids and I ate the rest of the crawfish for lunch. I ate so much I thought I'd be sick!! Cold crawfish is just as good as hot. Kaylyn left to go swimming with a friend and Jose' and the kids took a nap while Stephen and I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. That is a very long movie and very good.

Then the weather got bad again. Within ten or fifteen minutes the ditch and yard were full of water. The wind blew so hard and limbs were falling out of trees and stuff blowing everywhere. The tornado siren went off again and this time I believed there really was a tornado somewhere. Later we went riding and sure enough there were downed trees everywhere, power lines down, telephone poles snapped into, tin scattered...definitely a tornado. We were without lights for five hours. Here are some pictures I took during the storm.

And then the sun came out. It was so beautiful...this picture doesn't come close to showing how beautiful it was. The sun was shining just in the tree tops and it was a eerie color outside.
After Stephen left to go back to school Jose' and I and the kids went riding and then went to MIL's house since she still had lights. Kinley took a shower and then at bedtime we went home. The houses across the road had their lights back on but we still didn't. So, we went to bed and soon after that our lights came back on.

It was a good Mother's Day, even with the storm.


Shellie Tomlinson said...

You are so right-- you do have the sweetest kids! I'm so glad they were all so good to you. It was well deserved!

Thank you for the sweet comments about Grant and Emerson. They are my heart! It is going to be sooooooo hard to leave him here Thursday but I've tried, and I don't think they're gonna let me brng him with me! Drats...

Sherri said...

I love those flowers...such a pretty color!!