Monday, April 20, 2009

A Fun Weekend

We had a very nice weekend and a lot of fun family time. Stephen came home Thursday night and was here until Sunday. Friday night he and Kaylyn were both with friends and Jose' and I and the two little ones had our regular pizza night. Saturday we went shopping in Monroe and all four kids went with us. That hasn't happened in a very long time and will probably not happen again for a long time, if ever. It was almost strange having them all with us...and loud. First we went to Old Navy to get summer clothes for the kids. Kinley got 3 pair of shorts and some flip flops. We couldn't find any shirts for her because she's in between children's sizes and adult sizes. They don't have her size in the store in the kids' department and all the adult shirts look too mature for her. Kaylyn got 3 pair of shorts, 2 pair of flop flops and a bathing suit bottom and Landon got the cutest pair of brown plaid shorts, a shirt and flip flops. Then we went in the mall. I had hoped not to have to since Landon does not do well in there but we needed to and he did better than I expected. I could tell he was overwhelmed and even Stephen said it makes him very nervous having him there because he wanders off so bad so he was constantly helping me keep an eye on him. He is so good with Landon!! In the mall we went to Aeropostale where Stephen got some shorts and two shirts and Kaylyn got two shirts. We ate lunch at the food court and then got out of there.

Next stop was Petco :-). Kinley has been saving money for a hamster and we told her we would get the cage and stuff for her. She got a teddy bear hamster and a super cool cage. Landon had a fit over all the animals but especially loved the little mice :-o. We decided it would be good to also get him something so he wouldn't be bugging Kinley wanting to play with her hamster all the time. So, we got him a little brown mouse and small cage. Because he got something too we didn't let Kinley pay for her was only fair. They were so SO excited and I guess I was too LOL. On the way home I put them in their balls so the kids could hold them and watch them on the way home and so the poor things wouldn't be stuck in those boxes for so long.
This is Jerry's cage in Kinley's room. I was afraid he would keep her awake running in that wheel all night but she said it puts her to sleep and she doesn't hear it at night. I don't see how she can't because I can hear it from my room!
Sandy's cage.

I didn't think I'd ever think a mouse was pretty but, she's pretty! Look at shiny she is! She's so friendly, too.

I love seeing them so happy :-) It was hard to get them to go to school this morning and leave their new pets. I promised to take care of them.

Sunday morning we all, but Stephen, made it to Church. We've missed the past two Sundays because of having get togethers at our house and so many people here. After Church we went to Pizza Hut for lunch and then to Lori's for her MIL's birthday cookout. It was her family, her MIL and FIL, Lori's friend Teresa, us and Daddy and Lynn. The food was good and Landon had a ball, as usual, on her trampoline.

It was a busy weekend...a really good weekend :-)


Tammy said...

What happy kiddo's!! And, adorable (since I can't smell them!!) pets!

Together We Save said...

I am sure it was wonderful to have everyone home again. Cute pets. As long as the kids like them. That is why I have a house dog. My kids really wanted one.