Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Our week so far

I got up Monday morning and went to work and sent Landon to school. I didn't want to but he had been asking me all weekend if he was going and saying he wanted to go. I can't keep him home if he's asking to go. I don't think he'd be asking to go if he were miserable or even feeling mistreated. When I asked after school if he'd had a good day they said he had one rough spot after morning recess and even told the aide he hated her but after that was fine. She said he did come back later and tell her he was sorry and that he loved her. She also said he had went up to one of the boys in his class who was sitting in his desk and kept pushing him. I told her I want him to learn he can't do that but also wanted the aide to understand that he wasn't doing it to be mean. In the book I'm reading, Look Me in the Eye, the man telling the story is talking about when he was a kid he'd hit or push to try to get a friend to play with him. The problem was he just really didn't know how to get other kids to play with him.

The past two mornings have been good because I've actually gotten him to eat all his oatmeal for breakfast. It feels so great sending him to school with something in his stomach and not worrying all morning that he's hungry. It's taken 11 weeks but I think he's finally gotten use to eating breakfast early.

I'm not suppose to have to work on Thursdays but my boss is going to be gone Friday so is going to do payroll tomorrow and wants me to be there. So, I'll go in early and work an hour then I have to come home because a lady is coming to my house tomorrow to talk about Landon and the services that are available to him. If I miss this appointment we won't get another one until December. Landon has to be here for that meeting so I guess I'll just take him to work with me in the morning and then take him to school afterward.

The fair is this week so of course it started raining yesterday. It always ALWAYS rains while the fair is here. It wouldn't seem like the fair if we weren't walking on wet, muddy hay that they've thrown all over the fair grounds. Sherri and her kids are coming Friday and we'll go to the fair Saturday. We all have our rubber boots ready :-). Landon is saying he doesn't want to go so if he still doesn't want to when the time comes he can stay with Jose'. In five years he's never once rode a fair ride.

So, that's what's been going on and is going on here. I'm ready for the weekend to get here.


Mama Teaching 3 said...

I am very happy to read that things are looking better! Landon is such a yummy little man. :) Let us know how things go tomorrow!

Sherri said...

We're looking forward to it too! I think Madison is more excited about going on the truck than she is about the fair..haha!!

It's Always Something Around Here said...

So happy that things are improving with Landon. Hope you have fun at the fair...sounds like such fun.

Manic Monday said...

Vicki! Hi!!! I found you through Lou Ann's blog. I just started one. I would ask how you are, but I think I can just read your blog and see!!! I have wondered about you. We are well :) Praise the Lord! lol. You can e-mail me if you have my old e-mail! I so don't know my way around this place... i started my page YESTERDAY! anyway, HI! Sandy (past loopie)

Manic Monday said...

wow, is this the easiest way to talk through the blog??? lol. to go to the other person's and leave a comment? i am so new to this. i have had myspace and facebook and never went back and managed it. lol. anyway, i have missed ~most~ all of you in that loop :( i was going through such a personal hard time back then and things are SO much better now!!! thank goodness!!! is stephen going to college? my DD is and she is really growing up through its challenges. she is about two hours away. my oldest is in his junior year, but a lot of those credits are from the air force, so he will need two more years. he is two hours in the other direction, lol. the youngest is a junior in hs and doing really well in that challenging year!!! glad i found you!!!