Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Buddy's Playdate

Kaylyn dog-sit her friend's dog last week for a couple of days. She mostly kept him in her room because he's not completely house broke but she would take him out every now and then to potty and to play with Buddy. They were SO cute together!! Oh, and about Pete's coloring...he is purple LOL. Kaylyn and her friend decided to put a little coloring on him that they thought would wear off didn't.

Poor Pete, no dog should have to be purple LOL.
Buddy has grown so much since these pictures were taken. I'll have to take some recent ones of him to put here.
He also had a playdate with Lori's puppy, Maggie, but we didn't get any pictures. She'll have to bring her back soon.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Bless his heart! No male dog should ever be purple! LOL