Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Well, we did it...we got the kids a dog :-). I've wanted to do it for a long time but either couldn't find the one we wanted or couldn't talk Jose' into letting us do it. A little over a week ago Kaylyn and I were going to Walmart and right there in the parking lot these two boys were giving away puppies. I stopped, just to look, and immediately fell in love with the only chocolate brown one in the bunch. He said he'd hold him for me until we got done in Walmart and I tried hard to talk myself out of getting him while in there but didn't succeed. We went back by and got him and even turned around to go back once because we thought maybe we shouldn't do it. But, he looked up at Kaylyn with his blue eyes and she said "I can't do it Mama". So, he went home with us. Luckily Jose' loved him as much as we did :-). I never thought I could love a dog but I love this puppy!!
He doesn't have that spot on his leg anymore, it's all filled in now. Not sure what it was.

Buddy works hard trying to make friends with Spade, a neighbor's dog. He spends a lot of time here and I'm glad because it keeps Buddy company. I don't like that he eats Buddy's food sometimes but...what can we do?

He's a happy puppy and gets LOTS of attention. We are leaving Thursday going to Ohio and I am going to be so worried about him. Jose' and Kaylyn will be here but they won't give him as much attention as Kinley and Landon do. He will be glad to see us when we get home, I'm sure.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Oh how CUTE!!! Yay!