Thursday, December 11, 2008

One More Week

Another week almost over and that much closer to Christmas break for the kids. I'm so ready and of course so are they. The kids always get so tired right before this break.

I am getting very close to being done with our shopping. I'm done with three of the kids and just have Stephen to shop for. Oh, I do still need to get Landon something Thomas because he thinks he's getting something Thomas and so far I haven't gotten him that. I guess he remembers all the Thomas stuff he got last year. I still need to buy for two nephews and two nieces, one teacher, one family name I drew and Kinley's gift for her school party. I ordered Jose' a calendar from Snapfish and got him some DVDs he's been wanting but still need to get his big gift, a GPS system. I'll wait until I get paid next week to get that. I want to pay for it myself.

I have most of the Christmas cards ready to mail. I'll do the last few in the morning and get them out tomorrow. I love mail days in December! I look forward to getting cards and seeing everyone's pictures. I get mad on days the mailman doesn't bring me any cards LOL.

Stephen started college last week. He moved in the first day by himself but Jose' and I went over there the next night and shopped some with him and helped him fix up his room. We hung some black curtains, put down a big rug, a floor lamp, a couple of chairs and some pictures. Stephen paid for all of it but the big chair. He has a private room...I'm really glad about that. I didn't like the idea of his stuff being open to anyone who came and went with the room mate.

Landon has his OT evaluation this week. It took three days to get it all done because once he lost interest there was no finishing and I don't like pushing him too hard. I was very irritated with the lady on the second day. She was not prepared at all and wasted a lot of time trying to figure out what she was suppose to be doing, finding the cards she needed out of a big stack and even cutting out stuff she needed. You would think since she knows she's going to be working with a child with attention issues she would have everything she needed ready. After an hour and 45 minutes we still weren't done and Landon was very frustrated...was even biting his hand. She said we still had one more book to get through :-0. I asked her what the book was on and she said communication. I told her we've been here for almost two hours and he's biting his do YOU think he's gonna do on communication. She said probably not too good so said I could come back the next morning to finish. I wasn't letting her push him any further at that point. Luckily, this is not the lady who will be doing his OT each week. I realized during these three days of the evaluation that he is going to have to have some help. I took him back to the doctor and asked to try him on some medication but she said she can't prescribe anything without talking to the doctor who diagnosed him. She called him the next morning and he said he'd have to see him again first. WHY? He's already seen and diagnosed him. What is another meeting going to show/tell him that he doesn't already know. ****BIG Sigh**** So, we have an appointment next week with him and then we'll see what happens from there.

I guess that's about all that's been going on. My sister told me I better start updating at least once or twice a week or I will lose any readers I might have. I don't know that I have that many but I don't want those to give up on me so I will try to do better.

I'll leave you with a few pictures taken recently.

Landon with his teacher.


Sherri said...

A nice update!!!
I wish I could say that I had that much Christmas shopping done..."sigh"!!!

Mama Teaching 3 said...

A GPS! OH MY GOSH! We love to use ours to geocache!

Have fun with the rest of the Christmas time we have left!

Sherri said...

I want to see some pictures of Kinley's ceramics she painted!!!